Saturday, March 31, 2012

                        Bloggers and non- bloggers

 I think that people who blog seem to be either more friendly or less friendly than the ones who dont. The blog, it lets us get our feelings off our chest and feel better about our life. There might be rude commentors now and then but if you truly have people who like your blog..... why quit?
 Now, for the non- bloggers. Is'nt there a time in your life when every thing could be going wrong, or everything could be going right? Write about it and get it off your heart and chest.
 Dont be AFRAID to share your feelings in your blog!
This is a very good example of a blogger and a non- bloggger. I think you'll be able to tell which is which.

Thank you for reading and if you did'nt like it I assure you all my blogs wont be the same.
BE LOUD AND PROUD in all your blogging.

(this is my first blog if any comments on how to do better or any thing else, i accept critism,please leave a comment!)

I will have more next time!

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